
Showing posts from September, 2020

Developing a ICT Strategy - A simple reusable pattern presentation

Last year I had the pleasure of presenting to the Business Architecture in the London Market (BALM) in Partnership with LLOYDS community of Business Architects Group.   My  Presentation was based on a simple reusable pattern (illustrated below) for Strategy Development and can be found in my book which demonstrated the application by mapping to the Financial Crime Domain. Having just watched the video again, and following on from my previous blog posting , I thought I would share especially as you can find (if your are interested ) some really useful snippets e.g. the domain / Capabilities illustration ; The YouTube recording of the presentation can be viewed below  

Solution Architecture Mindset (Purpose / Value)

Sometimes a mind map can convey several messages ! The above is a 'draft' mind map that will appear own the appendix of  my new book - targeted for 2021/2 for the Solution Architecture Comminty. A theme throughout the book will be Purpose and Value of activities   .  Please note I have purposely missed of some of the branches found in the book as this is a draft ! 

Enterprise Architects and the Agile Project Touchpoint

At the heart of the Enterprise Architecture function is a primary objective to manage the  ongoing alignment between the Business Operating Model (BOM) and the technology landscape . This objective is often built on the foundation of a well-defined and stable end-state technology target stack, where any deviations are managed and provisioned for if and where possible.  Lean, often iterative methodologies are constructed around the adoption of a set of cycles that initially deliver a  minimum viable product  (MVP) that aims to provide sufficient features to satisfy base needs and also allows feedback to enable further developments and enhancements. This  build, measure , learn  approach provides the EA community with several challenges when considering governance of the technology estate and the underlying systems capabilities resulting in Enterprise Architects (EAs)  having to work at a lower level of detail with such projects to understand the ra...