The following appeared on my previous blog site on January 6th 2014 and received in excess of 16K hits per annum - so reposting on new site.

Earlier today, while reviewing a document I produced some time ago, I discovered a useful Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) checklist and thought I would simplify , ‘repackage’ and share via this blog.
NFR checklists are not unique products, they are easily found on the web with numerous examples available for reuse, one such example can be found at the Open Group’s website under the ToGAF Requirements Management section.
Most of you are probably familiar with NFR’s – However if not, you can consider them a set of requirements/criteria used during the run-time operation of a system and not the specific behaviours that the system must exert.
The NFR’s vary in importance and are usually aligned to the context of the system e.g. Operational Safety could be classed as a NFR, especially when working in hazardous conditions (Oil Rigs, Gas Plants etc.), but not a common NFR in most system designs I have come across.
The diagram above highlights most common NFR’s, and are presented together with typical examples in the table below;
NFA | NFR – Examples |
Security (define key security requirements) | - Login / Access levels
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) levels.
- Access permissions for application data may only be changed by the system’s data administrator
- Password requirements – length, special characters, expiry, recycling policies, 2FA
- Inactivity timeouts – durations, actions, traceability
- System data backed up every x hours and copies stored in a secure off-site location
- Encryption (data in flight and at rest) – All external communications between the system’s data server and clients must be encrypted
- Data Classification / System Accreditation: All Data must be protectively marked and stored / protected.
Audit (Define the level of traceability for transactions required) | - System must maintain full traceability of transactions
- Audited Objects are defined
- Audited database fields – which data fields require audit info?
- File characteristics – size before, size after, structure
- User and transactional time stamps, etc
Capacity (Provisioning for growth) | - Throughput – how many transactions at peak timedoes the system need to be able to handle
- Storage – (memory/disk) – volume of data the system will page / persist at run time to disk
- Year-on-year growth requirements (users, processing & storage)
- e-channel growth projections
Performance | - Response times – application loading, browser refresh times, etc.
- Processing times – functions, calculations, imports, exports
- Query and Reporting times – initial loads and subsequent loads, ETL times
- Interoperbility
Availability (uptime) | - Hours of operation
- holidays, maintenance times, etc
- • Locations of operation – where should it be available from, what are the connection requirements?
Reliability | - The ability of a system to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specific period of time.
- Mean Time Between Failures – What is the acceptable threshold for down-time?
- Mean Time To Recovery – if broken, how much time is available to get the system back up again?
Recoverability (in the event of failure..) | - Recovery process
- Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
- Recovery Time Objectives (RTO)
- Backup frequencies – how often is the transaction data, config data, code backed-up?
Robustness | - The ability of the system to resist change without adapting its initial stable configuration – operational characteristics with growth?
- Fault trapping (I/O) , Application Hooks, SMNP – how to handle failures ?
Integrity (Consistency of events, values, methods, measures, expectations & outcomes) | - Application Integrity
- Data integrity – referential integrity in database tables and interfaces
- Information Integrity – during transformation
Maintainability (The ease with which the system can be maintained) | - Conformance to Enterprise Architecture standards
- Conformance to Technical design standards
- Conformance to coding standards
- Conformance to best practices.
Usability | - User Standards (Look / Feel)
- Internationalization / localization requirements – languages, spellings, keyboards, etc
Documentation | - User Documentation
- System Documentation (Production Acceptance?)
- Help?
- Training Material
The above has been r
eplicated in my new book
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